FURSE ESP Signal SPD Coaxial TV systems

Product Name:FURSE ESP Signal SPD Coaxial TV systems

Protectors for coaxial TV systems 13

Use to protect analogue and digital Cable, Terrestrial and Satellite TV installations

Product part codes:
ESP CATV/F Suitable for CATV systems using F connectors
ESP MATV/F Suitable for CATV systems using F connectors
ESP SMATV/F Suitable for CATV systems using F connectors
ESP/EURO Suitable for CATV systems using EURO-TV connectors
ESP TV/F Suitable for CATV systems using F connectors

Very low let-through voltage (enhanced protection to BS EN 62305) between all lines - Full Mode protection
Low attenuation and high return loss over a wide range of frequencies ensures the protectors do not impair system performance
Substantial earth termination
Supplied ready for flat mounting
Strong metal housing